Saturday, January 24, 2015

Building Global Connections

I am interested in making education more global. I'd like to take children's learning about themselves in their own environment and have them consider how that compares and contrasts with other parts of the world. Inquiring and problem solving might start at our own doorstep, but leads to an understanding of real word issues. The expression 'citizen of the world', no doubt could be regarded as a flippant cliche, but perhaps for today's kids it is an apt one as the internet removes distance and barriers and can be utilised as a world-wide inquiry and collaboration tool.

That is why I was excited to read in the Education Gazette about an opportunity for teachers and principals of New Zealand schools to travel to Indonesia to build connections with Indonesian schools. This opportunity is one of several offered by the Asia New Zealand foundation, you can read about them here: 

So, you guessed it, I suggested to my principal that we might apply, she was enthusiastic, our application was successful and soon we'll be off!

 In April we will be going on a 10 day tour, travelling with 9 other teachers and principals. My principal's task will be to establish a sister-school type relationship with a school in Indonesia. My job will be to build a professional learning network with Indonesian teachers and to consider how we might be able to foster collaboration between our classes.

This year I'll be teaching a Year 7 class with 1:1 chromebooks. ( That's a whole different learning journey!)  I've got lots of ideas for sharing our learning and for collaborating with our Indonesian friends. There's exciting times ahead.

I love my job.

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