Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Blogging Meme

This is my first blog post for 2014, thanks to Marnel @1MvdS for tagging me in.

 I confess to being a 'lurker' on twitter, I always feel a bit surprised and flattered when anyone finds anything I have to share interesting or worthwhile. On the other hand twitter has been without doubt the best professional development for me. I have often 'eavesdropped' on your conversations and followed some of the links you provide. So thanks PLN; you've been great, and perhaps this year I could try to contribute more and lurk less.

The blogging task includes:

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated.  Don't nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

11 random facts about me:
  1. I know that some people love to dance - I just don't  'get it.'
  2. I wrote a children's picture book. "Elephant Trouble" was published by Reed Publishing in 2007. It is now out of print, but one day I'd like to attempt another.
  3. I have lots of twins in my family. I am the mother, the sister and the aunty of twins. 
  4. The most boring job I have ever had was working in supported employment. I helped a learning disabled person to gain a position in a hospital kitchen. Helping the disabled is a noble occupation, but supervising my client whilst she sorted cutlery was mind numbingly dull. Still, for all I know she might still be holding down a full time job at the Royal Darwin Hospital.
  5. I am a beginning geo-cacher.
  6. My first teaching job was at Chisnallwood Intermediate in Christchurch. I worked there for 8 years.
  7. Pin-hole photography is a hobby that I share with my class. I transformed a classroom storage cupboard into a darkroom and we take photos using tin can cameras. 
  8. I wrote and self published a book about pin-hole photography. You can see it here. 
  9. I once found myself completely lost, in the middle of the night, in sub-zero temperatures in Beijing. 
  10. I like Mexican food (also Chinese, Indian, Thai, Italian.) I guess I just like food!
  11. I recently returned home from a wonderful family holiday in the South Island. I'd love to go back and explore some more.

My answers to Marnel's questions:
  1. What Inspires you? Life. Life inspires me and sometimes I find inspiration in the most unexpected places. When I'm inspired to give something a go, I will usually follow it through to some sort of conclusion. (Although I'm still seeking the inspiration to clean the oven!) 
  2. What are you reading now? The internet! Also 'The Luminaries'. I'm usually an avid reader, particularly of kids and Y.A books.
  3. If you weren't a teacher, what would you do? Something creative. Maybe a potter, sculptor, florist or photographer.
  4. If you could change something about the education system, what would it be? More funding. Also maybe insert a magical formula that would ensure that all teachers maintain their passion and motivation for teaching and learning.
  5. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? I can't remember, it was a long long time ago. I have sent the occasional card.
  6. Android or iPad tablets? Why? Love iPads. I have an android phone which I use all the time, but haven't used android tablets.
  7. What do you find hardest to teach your students? Empathy, initiative, selflessness.
  8. What will you be doing differently this year? I'm thinking of getting rid of my teacher desk and creating a stand-up desk / station instead. I want to spend more time sitting and working with and alongside the students instead of behind that big barrier.
  9. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be and why did you choose this language? Chinese (Mandarin) I've been lucky enough to visit China twice. Once on a teacher scholarship where I spent a month with a great group of Kiwi teachers learning the basics of Chinese language and culture at Peking University. The second time was on a 12 day tour with a group of students from my school. I loved China and would go back again in a flash!
  10. What is your favourite way to waste time? twitter, the internet, and I admit to having an unhealthy obsession with 'Candy Crush'
  11. What is your life motto? Just do it.
I'm a little late getting this post done, so I'm not sure I can find 11 tweeps / bloggers who haven't already been tagged. I was thinking of you, but I'm sure you don't want to be tagged multiple times.

I tag: @HeatherGreaves3 @TaniaTS @missmatich @PiaMcKay @WhaeaKathryn @LifeOfChemistry @curlylines  @BridgetCasse  @cheryl_nichol

My 11 questions for you:

1. Why did you become a teacher?
2. What will you be doing differently this year?
3. What piece of advice would you give to your 16 year old self?
4. How do you like to spend your leisure time?
5. What is the title and author of a book that you like to read aloud to your class?
6. What is one place in the world that you would love to visit?
7. What do you love and / or hate about your job?
8. What is something that you specifically want to learn this year?
9. What fictional character from children's literature  is a bit like you and in what way?
10. What are your favourite kids' movies?
11. Do you really know where the apostrophe goes?

Thanks everyone.  You might like to add your response to this google doc and check out what other tweeps have to share.


  1. Karen I enjoyed learning a little about you with your Meme. I also recently visited China and loved it and want to return. At our school we teach Mandarin as part of the Mandarin Language Assistant programme. I look forward to reading how your questions are answered.

  2. Thanks for your comment Sonya. I too, am enjoying learning more about my twitter friends.
